Tarana (English)



Tarana (English)


Tarana (Tune)


          Tarana is also a type of modern singing style. In this type of singing, Dir, Dir, Dani,

 Tadani, Nom, Tom, Ali, Yalali etc. like Words are used. According to late Ustad Amir Khan

 lyrics of tarana means worship of God. Some experts say that the lyrics of Tarana are



         Tone (Swar) and rhythm (Laya) have predominance in this. The tarana is sung after the

 small khayal. In some stars, the lyrics are sung on sitar, tabla and pakhawaz and the rhythm of

 the tarana is fast. In this singing importance of rhythm is more. The main purpose of singing is to

 show preparation of the tongue. Songs of  Nathu Khan and Tanras Khan are very famous.

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