Natya Shastra (English)



Natya Shastra (English)


Natya Shastra

     Natya Shastra is an invaluable heritage of drama and music. Its author is Maharishi Bharat. There are total 33 chapters in this. Music has been discussed in six chapters.

      In the 28th chapter, there is a description of Swar, Shruti, Gram Murchhna, caste, their characteristics and four types of voices. In the 29th chapter, the use of castes according to taste, different types of Veena and their method of playing are described. In the 30th chapter there is a description of Sushir Vaghs, in the 31st chapter there is a description of art, rhythm and various rhythms. In the 32nd chapter, description of Dhruva and 5 types, Chhand and qualities of singer and musician is given. In Chapter 33rd, description of Avanad instruments, their types, origin, method of playing, description of 18 castes and characteristics of the players is given.

      Bharat considered 22 Shrutis in one octave (Saptak). They were established on the basis of 4:3:2:4:4:3:2.

      Bharat considered 7 pure notes (Swars) and considered only 2 distorted notes. Difference between Gandhaar and Kakali Nishad drama. It is said in the scriptures that when the seven notes are in sequence, they are called Murchhana. Bharat considered two grams: 1. Sixteenth (Shadaj) gram and 2. Medium gram. These were specifically discussed (interpreted). It is written about Gandhar village that it also disappeared along with the Gandharva people.

      Accepted the creation of 18 castes from Shadajj and middle villages. Considering the composition of 7 castes from Shadaj village and 11 castes from Madhyam village, 10 characteristics of caste have been described. These are Ansh, Nyas, Apanyas, Alpatva, Bahutva, Shadvatva, Audava Tatva, Mandra and Tar.

      Apart from this, in the remaining chapters, Rasa Bhava and their relation with Swara have been explained. This book proves to be the base text of music.

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