Murchana (English)



Murchana (English)


     The word Murchhna is derived from the root 'Murchha' which means shining or emerging and Murchhna means a shining or emerging thing. According to Pandit Omkarnath Thakur ji, fainting of a bright or emerging object is called Murchana.

       According to Bharat Muni and Pt. Sharangdev Ji, Murchana is an ascending and descending in the order of seven notes (Saat Swar).

Symptoms of Murchhna:-

(1) Murchhna depends on the village.

(2) The notes of Murchhna are sequential.

(3) Murchhna is complete.

(4) Fainting starts from any special note of Gram.

Difference between Murchhna and ascension (Aroh and Avroh):-

      There is a lot of difference between Murchhna and ascent and descent (Aroh and Avroh). The Shruti difference changes in every Murchhna. But the difference in Shruti in ascending and descending always remains the same.

       Ancient writers have considered the origin of sound from Shruti, gram from sound and Murchhna from gram. 7-7 Murchanas are created from every gram. There are three Gram:

(1) Faintings of Shadaj Gram:-

(1) Uttara Mandra, (2) Rajani, (3) Uttaraita, (4) Shuddha Shadaja, (5) Matsarikrita, (6) Ashvakranta,

 (7) Abhirudgata.

(2) Murchhna of middle village :-

(1) Sauviri, (2) Harinashva, (3) Kalopnata, (4) Shuddhamadhya, (5) Margi, (6) Pauravi, (7) Harishka.

(3) The unconsciousness of Gandhar village:-

Gandhar village had disappeared before Bharat Muni due to his going away with the Gandharva people, due to which their names are not found.

Pandit Sharangdev ji has considered four types of Murchhna.

(1) Shuddha (2) Antar Sanhita (3) Kakali Sanhita (4) Antar Kafli Sanhita

     In the modern era, the propagation of Murchana has completely stopped. Because 'S' is considered the basis of every raga. But Murchana is still used in South Indian music.

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