Tansen (English)



Tansen (English)


Miyan Tansen

Many names of Tansen ji are found in history like Tanna Mishra, Ramtanu Pandey, Tan Sukh,  Vanayo Vyas Pandey etc. Being the son of Makarand Pandey, Tansenji's real name Ramtanu Pandey seems more appropriate.

There are many opinions regarding his date of birth. According to more writers, he was born in 1532 AD in a village named Behat, 7 kilometers away from Gwalior. It is said that Makarand Pandey had no son. Tansen ji was born with the blessings of Sufi saint Muhammad Ghaus. Being the only child, he was brought up with great pampering.

When he was 10 years old, Sufi saint Muhammad Gaus ji called him. He arranged for their education. In a short time, Tansen got the knowledge of literature and astrology. Tansen ji was very mischievous since childhood. He used to imitate the voices of different animals and birds very well. One day Swami Haridas ji was passing through the forest with his disciples, when suddenly they heard the sound of a lion, everyone got scared. Swami ji was very impressed by the smiling child coming in front of him. Swami Haridas took Tansen with him to Vrindavan after taking permission from Tansen's father.

Tansen ji took education from Swami Haridas for 10 years. After getting the news of your father's ill health, you came back to Gwalior. Father told Tansen that you were born by the grace of Sufi saint Muhammad Ghaus. Always respect them. Then Tansen ji took permission from Swami Haridas ji and started living near Muhammad Gaus.

After a few days, Tansen was introduced to Mrignayani, the widow queen of Gwalior. She was very impressed by Tansen's talent. The queen got Tansen married to a melodious singer named Hussaini, who learned music in her music temple. He had four sons – Surat Sen, Sharat Sen, Tarang Sen and Vilas Khan and a daughter named Saraswati. All the children earned a good name in music.

When Tansen ji became a good singer, King Ramchandra appointed him as court singer. Tansen's fame spread far and wide. King Ramchandra and Emperor Akbar were both friends. Emperor Akbar requested Ramchandra to send Tansen. King Ramchandra felt very sad but the order of the king could not be avoided. He started weeping. That's why Tansen ji composed a Dhrupad.

"Long live Raja Ram Chiranjeev"

When Emperor Akbar heard Tansen in his court, he was very impressed and included him in his Navratnas. Other singers of the court became very jealous. Emperor Akbar requested Tansen to listen to Raga Deepak. Akbar forced Tansen to sing even after Tansen's persuasion. The heat started rising as soon as the raga was sung. Everyone started running because of the heat. Tansen's body also started burning. Then his daughter Saraswati saved her father by singing Raag Megh. Later the king repented a lot.

Once again in arrogance, Tansen made an announcement in the state that no one should sing in the state without him. The one who sings will compete with Tansen, if he loses, he will be punished with death. Thus many singers died. Singer Baijubavra was a contemporary of Tansen. He was very sad when he heard. Both of them competed once and Tansen was defeated. After Tansen's defeat, Baiju Bawra showed his open heart and forgave Tansen.

Tansen has a great contribution to the music world which cannot be forgotten.

1. He composed a Vadya (instrument) called 'Rabab' on the basis of Veena.

2. On the basis of Veena and Sitar, composed an instrument called 'Sur Bahar'.

3. Tansen ji created many new ragas like ' Miyan Ki Todi', ' Miyan Ki Malhar', ' Miyan Ki Sarang' and 'Darbari Kanhada' etc. He proved many wrong Ragas as well. It is said that Tansen later converted to Islam and some scholars say that Tansen did not become a Muslim at all. He added the word Miyan to his new ragas in memory of the Sufi saint Muhammad Ghaus.

In the year 1585, this great musician slept forever in the lap of death. His mausoleum has been built near the tomb of Sufi saint Muhammad Ghaus, which is a small building with 12 towers. Famous singers and instrumentalists celebrate 'Urs' (Festival) by singing and playing in his memory at this tomb, and many conferences are organized there in the year of classical music.

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