Raag Bhairav (English)



Raag Bhairav (English)


Raag Bhairav

R D is very soft, sing Bhairav Raag with affection.

Do worship early in the morning, you will wake up and run away.

Thaat = Bhairav

Swar = R d Komal other swar pure

Vadi = D

Samvadi Swar=R

Caste (Jaati) = whole (Sampuran- Sampuran)

Singing Time = Morning Sandhi Prakash (From 4 to 7 in the morning)

Mount (Aroh):- S R G M, P D N S

Descendant (Avroh):- S N D P, M G R S ,  

Grip (Pakar):- G M D D P, G M R R S


(1) It is an ancient Raga. It is said that Bhairav Raag originated first from the mouth of Mahadev.

(2) In the medieval period, all schools (Mat) considered it as the main raga.

(3) It is a raga of serious nature. Dhupad, Dhamar, Bada Khayal, Chhota Khayal, Tarana are all sung in this.

(4) In this raga the komal R D is agitated like G M D D P, G M R R S.

(5) Sometimes 'P' is barred in the ascension (Aroh) of this raga like G M D D P and the curve of 'G' used like G M R R S

(6) It is Uttarangavadi raga due to being ‘D’ as plain voice (Vadi Swar).

(7) Samaprakriti raga (Similar raga):- Kalingada and Ramkali

Sathai:- Bhor bhyi jaag jaag

Va ko Sumiran tu laag

Antra :- Swaas Swaas Sumir Naam

Kart jo tere sagre kaam

Maan tyaag sharan lag

Jag jayenge tumre bhag

Alap: 1. G M D-P- G M R-S-

2. S R G M P-G M R S-

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